Methodical Snark critical reflections on how we measure and assess civic tech

Structure of the dissertation

4 peer reviewed journal articles Method Research Focus
Multi-stakeholder policy learning and institutionalization: the surprising failure of open government in Norway
Policy Studies, DOI:10.1080/01442872.2019.1618808  (link)

Single case analysis, process tracing

Does OGP influence policy, if so, how?
(Norwegian case)
Open Government and E-Participation: assessing the effect of the Open Government Partnership and national political factors
Government Information QuarterlyUnder review (pre-print)
Comparative causal analysis (n=194)
Does OGP membership have a causal effect on countries’ e-participation?
Digital Civic Interaction: Identifying, conceptualizing and comparing interactions between governments and publics Conceptual /
Metrics for assessing the quality of civic participation norms in an accountability context.
Look Who’s Talking: Assessing Civic Voice and Interaction in OGP Commitment

Journal of E-Democracy and Open Government, 9(2), 4–30. (link)

Content analysis of 61 countries’ OGP commitments (n=494) Do countries make meaningful commitments to civic participation in OGP action plans?
Cover chapter (139 pp) (link)
Holistic summary, presentation and analysis 
Methodical Snark critical reflections on how we measure and assess civic tech
