Methodical Snark critical reflections on how we measure and assess civic tech

Roundup: Ugandan evidence on social context theory, all the Kenyan case studies, and dev economists heart India


Findings and Case Studies

Evidence from rural Ugandan villages supports the social context theory (political participation is affected by participation of those around you). Surprisingly (?), it also finds that “when individuals are exposed to extensive messaging by extra-network mediums,
the influence of network dynamics may be diminished.” One more argument for co-creation and participation in all things?

@AllVoicesCount released a series of African case studies last week, including:

Meanwhile, in case you were wondering, usefulness is the strongest predictor of open government data use, according to a study of open data users in Germany (online survey, n=210), and even pediatrics researchers believe that tech is good for political participation among young people.


LEarnings on health and tech

GPSA had a webinar on tech, citizen voice and health projects, which empahsized the limits of technology, the importance of offline communication and strong relationships between projects and communities (recording). A learning event on Transparency and Accountability Strategies & Reproductive Health Delivery Systems emphasized the importance of complex political systems, and integrating action research methods into project implementation (report here).


David Evans maps the geographic focus of contemporary development economics.

For the titles

Using D&D to reduce ethnic prejudice (Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science)

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Methodical Snark critical reflections on how we measure and assess civic tech
